Why Does Individual Attention Matter for the Overall Development of Children?
posted on Nov 13, 2024
Gurukul The School, one of the top CBSE schools in Ghaziabad, can tell from our experience and expertise in the field of education that one of the primary reasons behind these unsatisfactory outcomes is the lack of individual attention for students

As per a research study published by ResearchGate, 80% of college students are mostly inattentive in class. If this is the case with college students, we can only imagine the plight of school-going children.
We at Gurukul The School, one of the top CBSE schools in Ghaziabad, can tell from our experience and expertise in the field of education that one of the primary reasons behind these unsatisfactory outcomes is the lack of individual attention for students. Mind you, this is coming from a place of concern, for we, as an educational institute, have, for as long as we can remember, prioritized providing our students with individual attention.
It’s not just us saying it, but the world recognizing our efforts, for we have recently been named the Best School for Individual Attention to Students by the Times Now Education Survey & Conclave. Our fourth consecutive win for the award makes it even more special for us and our entire team!
We are incredibly grateful for this recognition, but once again, we wish to stress the importance of individual attention, especially for the academic, social, and emotional development of children. Let’s understand this in further detail in this blog post below.
Importance of Individual Attention in Ensuring Academic Upliftment of Children:
We at Gurukul The School strongly believe that the first step to boosting children’s learning curve begins by getting them interested in the very idea of learning. Let us take an instance of a teacher teaching a group of students in the same style and pace. This is likely to impact learners because it's obvious that quick learners learn differently than their slow counterparts. The result here is children getting disinterested in the idea of learning and gaining knowledge, which eventually reflects in the form of poor academic performance.
Contrary to this, when teachers stress on giving one-to-one attention while emphasizing personalized learning, children are likely to be more curious and might even want to go further deep into individual concepts, thus aiding their current and forthcoming academic progress.
In short, effective learning and improved academic performance are all a result of learners feeling worthy and confident. This becomes possible when children realize that they are learning well and progressing academically, which is again a by-product of one-to-one support and attention. Individual attention helps set the right academic foundation in children's lives, setting the perfect tune for their future years.
Role of Individual Attention in Social Development of Children:
Gone are the days when learning and development were restricted to clearing examinations with flying colors. The need of the day is for children to learn and grow holistically, which, in other words, hints at social development being key.
Here again, individual attention proves a clear winner because when teachers address children's needs individually, they also provide them with social cues, which help polish and strengthen children's social skills. In the process, children learn to communicate effectively and confidently with their peers and other members of their social circle. Now coming to the scenario where individual attention does not exist, teachers would never know if a child is shy, fearful, or detached, leading to no effort being directed toward correcting this situation. The impact of this can be clearly seen in the social development of children.
How do Individual Attention and Children’s Emotional Development Go Hand-in-Hand?
We at Gurukul The School have seen that emotional limitations often cross paths with children's growth and development. The best way out is for such emotional limitations to be recognized and addressed, which again becomes possible when children are given individual attention.
For instance, in a school set-up, when teachers stress giving individual attention to children, they become emotionally available to them. This helps underline to the teachers any signs of learning difficulties, developmental delays, or behavioral issues the child might be facing, which may, at times, be triggered by the child’s emotional state.
Moreover, once teachers decide to invest in giving individual attention to children, they indirectly put it out there that they are making conscious efforts to improve the teacher-student relationship in question, which again takes the child one step closer to being emotionally developed.
Being in a happy emotional space makes way for a growth mindset, which is nothing but a boon any child enjoys.
Individual Attention is the CENTRAL Prerequisite for Children's Holistic Development:
As parents or tutors, if you have been struggling to break the code to improve the learning experience for kids, we at Gurukul The School, as one of the top CBSE schools in Ghaziabad, would like to recommend you to begin with the basics.
By now, you know what we are hinting at. We recommend you get your children to learn while paying individual attention to them. Trust us, it makes them feel more included and exclusive, a good enough reason for them to feel academically, socially, and emotionally under control.
We'll conclude by saying individual attention is more than just bagging awards. It is about taking care of the children who have trusted you with their future.