Why do Compliments Matter in Parent-Child Relationships?
posted on Oct 16, 2024
Congratulations on reading the blog post till here. From this, we at Gurukul The School, a top ranking school in Ghaziabad, can make out that you are genuinely interested in strengthening your relationship with your children.

You would be lying if you said compliments don’t make you happy. Compliments work miraculously well in making the person being complimented feel good about himself/herself. This rule is no exception in the case of a parent-child relationship.
Take a moment to recollect one of those times when you may have complimented your child's skillsets. Didn’t you notice further improvement and additional efforts on the part of your child as far as polishing that skill set was concerned? The reason behind this action is that children generally long for more and more compliments from their parents, which work as the key factor in not just improving the child’s performance but also their relationship with their parents.
This is the reason why we at Gurukul The School, a top ranking school in Ghaziabad, always say that compliments are important and delightful and take nothing in return, which is also enough reason for every parent-child relationship to experience the best of these. Here, in this blog post today, we will share with you the top reasons why we firmly believe that compliments must be prioritized in every parent-child relationship. Let’s have a quick look.
Solidification of the bond:
Today's children have a lot on their plates. They have to keep pouring in efforts every now and then to maintain their progress in various spheres of life. This often makes it difficult for parents to catch pace with their kids. As such, if there’s one thing every parent desires, it is to have a solid connection and bond with their children. Compliments are a great way of building this bond.
Say your child is struggling to complete his/her homework, and you come up with a genuine compliment, something along the lines of "My dear, you have such beautiful handwriting." Saying so will not just encourage the child to complete the homework at hand but also keep him/her reminded about how you, as a parent, are available for them when they need, make things easy for them, and, of course, prove to be a guiding light for them. In the process, your bond with your child is certain to solidify.
At Gurukul The School, we have observed countless students, some of whom were once viewed as the most confident ones, falter at the drop of a hat. Many reasons are responsible for the same, right from the changing dynamics of the growing-up years to the insane level of said and unsaid competition and comparisons.
Amidst this, it is common for children to be at a loss of motivation, which is where a few words of encouragement from the parents can prove to be a helping hand. That brings us to the best form of encouragement, which is nothing but compliments. Try it for yourself, and you will come back astonished, noticing the power of compliments in being an encourager.
Helps set the right example:
If there is one thing every parent seeks, it has to be with their children putting forth positive behavior. One of the best ways of achieving this end is by getting your children to see the positive side in others while not hesitating to appreciate them. Let’s not forget that with appreciation come compliments.
Just imagine you as a parent being a miser as far as complimenting your children is concerned. Your children are likely to model a similar behavior, making it difficult for them to build a positive and giving aura around them. On the other hand, if you are generous with your compliments, your child is likely to mimic similarly, eventually helping you set the right example and raise happy children.
Opens room for communication:
We at Gurukul The School have heard different struggles of parents, the most common one being communication barriers, which is their inability to strike free-flowing conversations with their children.
Every time such a situation has arisen, we have come forward to encourage parents to use the power of compliments. Whenever a parent compliments his/her children, the child is likely to be curious for more compliments, keen on knowing why the parent chose to compliment, and also be interested in spending more time conversing with the parent. In the process, countless dialogues are likely to open up, and communication barrier then becomes a thing of the past.
Some more compliments, please!
Congratulations on reading the blog post till here. From this, we at Gurukul The School, a top ranking school in Ghaziabad, can make out that you are genuinely interested in strengthening your relationship with your children.
Of course, every relationship takes work, and the parent-child relationship is no exception to this case. However, the quantum of efforts that need to be directed vary in proportion to the ones required in a parent-child relationship.
What if we tell you that all that’s required of you is to be a giver in terms of complimenting your children? This, for sure, is likely to make them feel happy around you, and they would then want to keep coming back for conversations and enjoy spending time with you. It's surely a win-win for both, isn’t it?
The only thing we recommend is to avoid making up compliments just for the sake of it and instead be as genuine and honest as possible. Happy Parenting! Happy Complimenting! Happy Spreading Smiles!