The Vital Role of Parents in the Education Journey of Their Children

Gurukul The School, a top ranking school in Ghaziabad, we firmly believe that parents are the real unsung heroes of their kid’s education journey. They contribute in numerous ways, and their influence is often immeasurable

When we talk about education in general, the first thing that comes to mind is academic education. While it is a significantly important aspect of an individual’s education journey, it isn’t the only aspect that deserves attention. We at Gurukul The School, a top ranking school in Ghaziabad, believe education should be delivered at all levels, i.e., academic, physical, moral, mental, emotional, etc. Such holistic education is necessary for raising well-rounded individuals who can confidently navigate life’s challenges.

What we generally see in society today is that educational institutes and teachers are primarily tasked with the responsibility of ‘educating’ children, which is quite right, if you see. However, we firmly believe that when it comes to educating children holistically, parents have an equally important role. After all, parents are a child’s first teacher, and their influence on the education journey of their wards is remarkable.

Whether you know it or not, your actions, behavior, speech, etc., shape your kid’s learning foundation. We have seen that in today’s era of high-end eLearning apps, remote teaching, specialized learning, etc., parents’ profound contributions to their kids’ overall education journey are often underestimated. But in reality, parents play a powerful and influential role in their child’s education journey. So, if you are a parent who has ever doubted your part, this blog post is for you.

To enable you to realize the extent of your influence, we have highlighted here the significant role that you, as a parent, play in your kid’s educational journey. Let’s quickly explore the points shared below:

  • Early Childhood Development

Children are like sponges that absorb everything in their environment, especially in their formative years. A child undergoes rapid development and growth during the first eight years, making a parent’s role even more important. Since it is a critical stage, most of the cognitive, physical, social-emotional, and language growth that takes place during this time is attributed to the parents.

Even the smallest actions contribute to some learning. For example, when parents engage continually with their kids through small interactions, it helps develop their vocabulary, communication skills, and early literacy abilities. Moreover, parents also play a crucial role in exposing their kids to rich learning experiences, which contribute a lot to their education journey.

  • Instilling an Undying Love for Learning

If you search for common traits among the most successful individuals, you will find one thing – a love for learning. People who love learning and exploring new things, concepts, places, etc., are more motivated, self-directed, and curious learners. Parents are often responsible for cultivating enthusiasm and a positive attitude towards learning in kids from a young age.

A love for learning can be fostered knowingly or unknowingly through various regular activities. For example, something as simple as taking kids to museums or libraries can fuel their curiosity, making them want to learn more. At Gurukul The School, we believe parents inspire their kids to explore and learn new things, igniting an undying passion for lifelong learning.

  • Teaching Life Skills

Today’s society demands more than academic prowess to thrive sustainably. It is through life skills that children learn the art of navigating daily life challenges, smartly and meaningfully interacting with others, making informed decisions, etc. Life skills like effective communication, powerful collaborations, critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, resilience, greater adaptability, and responsibility contribute to an individual’s success, even fueling their educational journey.

We firmly believe it is the parents who lay the groundwork for introducing these life skills to their kids. For example, when kids see their parents facing daily challenges with a positive attitude, managing time effortlessly, collaborating with other family members, and solving problems maturely, they start imbibing these traits naturally. These life skills also help kids excel in their educational pursuits, making them a fiery go-getter. We encourage parents to make more conscious efforts to teach various life skills to their kids, setting them on a path of continuous intellectual development and growth.

  • Advocacy and Support

We at Gurukul The School firmly believe parents are the biggest advocates for their kids’ education. They always ensure their kid’s educational needs are met, helping them grow smoothly. The needs can be diverse, belonging to areas like unique learning styles, strengths, weaknesses, communication with teachers, education materials, etc. Above all, parents also provide unwavering emotional support to kids, making them feel secure, motivated, and confident.

All this collectively contributes to a kid’s educational journey. If you want to do more, begin recognizing and nurturing kids by identifying and supporting their interests, talents, and strengths. You can also enroll them in extracurricular activities to help them pursue their passion. Parents have always contributed massively to their kid’s growth by positively shaping their attitude towards education.


At Gurukul The School, a top ranking school in Ghaziabad, we firmly believe that parents are the real unsung heroes of their kid’s education journey. They contribute in numerous ways, and their influence is often immeasurable. So we encourage every parent to embrace their role and cherish the constant learning and growth moments with their kids. Education is not only about grades and academic learning but also about nurturing curious minds and preparing them for a promising future. We celebrate every parent as the guiding star of their kid’s life as they continue putting their little ones on a path of self-exploration and educational success.

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