The Importance of Quiet Moments in Parenting
posted on Aug 02, 2023

Parenting is an art, they say, but we at Gurukul The School, one of the top five schools in Ghaziabad, would like to believe that parenting is a journey that every parent takes, learns on the way, experiences many firsts, and sees a lot unfold before their eyes.
Speaking about the parent-child relationship, we often recollect an elder taking care of, giving suggestions, and moulding a minor for good. Though this is partially true, the other half is all for a deep-rooted relationship that is fuelled by dialogue and selfless give and take. In fact, it won’t be wrong to say that this is one of the most serene relationships on this planet. However, there is another aspect of parenting that not many are aware of, and that has to do with the quiet moments involved in parenting. Today, in this blog post below, we are going to discuss the importance of quiet moments in parenting and how cherishing these moments can help build a strong bonding between the parents and children. So, let’s quickly delve in without any further ado.
Quiet Moments Help Nurture the Parent-Child Bonding to the Core:
Every parent wishes to have a cherishing and positive bonding with their children. To that end, though heart-to-heart communications have their own role to play in nurturing relationships, it is during the quiet moments that such bonds are nourished the most.
What makes us say so is the very fact that it is during times like this that both parents and children are in a calmer state of mind and find it easier to approach one another. Real conversations take place during this time, and they work wonders in addressing the differences. In the end, what blossoms is a close-knit relationship.
- Quiet Moments Help Build an Emotional Connect:
The core of any relationship is emotions. Many times, emotions determine our reactions. For example, a bad day at work may lead to an outburst before children, who, for some reason, maybe acting stubborn and demanding on that particular day.
To prevent situations like this from showing up often, what you, as a parent, must do is to keep your emotions regulated. One of the best ways of doing so is by investing in some quiet moments. These are moments when you partially step back/hand over parenting responsibilities, and take a much-needed break. Such breaks work excellently well in gathering oneself, which in turn helps to make the parent-child relationship further stronger. In the absence of quiet moments and breaks, parents are likely to slip into monotony, and some might reach a point wherein they might find it difficult to be on the same page with their children.
- Quiet Moments Lay the Nourishing Ground for the Development of Children:
We at Gurukul The School have witnessed how concerned the parents remain for the growth and development of their wards. We really appreciate how they leave no stone unturned in ensuring that their children are growing not in terms of academic excellence but are also being groomed in allied life skills like leadership, communication, problem-solving, and decision-making skills, which carve the way forward for a satisfying life ahead.
Needless to say, getting children to touch outcomes par excellence only becomes possible when children are allowed to learn, ask questions, and water their intelligence in a calm and stress-free environment. This is exactly what quiet parenting moments offer to children. If your children are going to enjoy benefits of this nature, you would definitely not hesitate to invite more such moments in your life and relationship.
- Quiet Moments Make Review and Reflection Possible:
Once in a while, you may want to assess your parenting approach and may even want to improve it in case you feel a need to do so or simply wish to experiment. This is where it would be helpful to introduce quiet moments in your relationship.
During moments like these, you can analyse your parenting style and probably think of ways in which you can improve its effectiveness further.
Be a Yes Person to Quiet Moments!
One of the main reasons parents do not invest in quiet moments is because they are unaware that such moments can be introduced in a parent-child relationship. However, the fact is if introduced, such moments can bring a whole lot of advantages for both parents and children.
Hence, we at Gurukul The School, one of the top five schools in Ghaziabad, would like to advise all the parents reading this blog post to give it a try and see how your relationship with your children thrives. At first, you might find it odd to step back a little, but over time, you will come to understand that this is one of the best decisions you have taken in the interest of your child and your relationship. So, if you haven’t given quiet moments a shot yet, go for it without any second thoughts.