The Art of Staying Positive
posted on Sep 20, 2022

There is this beautiful book, “The Secret by Rhonda Bryne,” which revolves around the law of attraction. Put together by multiple experts and thought leaders, this book has gone ahead to make a strong claim. In this book, the author suggests that one negative thought can possibly kill thousands of positive thoughts.
Having said that, don’t you think this also means that one positive thought also has the power of fighting back multiple negative thoughts? Hence, whatever the situation is, it is necessary to understand that nothing is permanent and it’s our positive attitude that will show us the way out.
With this in mind, we at Gurukul The School, a renowned best school in Ghaziabad, have been all these years working consistently towards sowing seeds of positivity among our students, and today, through this article below, we would like to shed light on the key steps you need to take to adopt a positive approach in life. Read on.
As humans, we have a tendency to overthink just about everything. For instance, a child may have forgotten to complete his school homework. In this situation, the teacher may choose to offer the child some additional time to complete the homework. However, much before the actual encounter, the child, and most probably the parents as well, are likely to play with multiple thoughts leading to overthinking and coming up with the most unlikely possibilities. This ends up creating unnecessary clutter in the mind, and even before you know it, consumes you with heaps of negativity. Hence, the first step towards positivity is to avoid overthinking.
We, at Gurukul The School, have observed that negative emotions and attitude is a result of experiencing lack and building a life around the feelings of lack. The first step towards tackling this situation is by allowing “the lack” to subside. In fact, this approach is indispensable to living a positive life. One of the best ways of achieving this goal is by being grateful for whatever it is that you have in the moment. You can take up small exercises like counting your blessings or offering a helping hand to those in need to bring more positivity into your life.
- Keep in Mind – Everything has a Phase!
It is important to realize that the grass always looks greener on the other side. However, this may not necessarily be the reality. It is important for you to know that everyone experiences his or her fair share of struggles.
That said, the real power lies in not succumbing to the negativity associated with struggles primarily because the law of the universe says “this too shall pass”. Even if you are in the most difficult situation today, your reality is going to change tomorrow. What is necessary is to continue remaining positive today as well as tomorrow.
- The Plusses of Sticking to the Acts of Positivity
The best part about being positive is that positivity helps generate better relationships with people around you, as well as encourages others to develop a similar attitude. It’s safe to state that positivity is infectious, which means it will not take long for your positivity to help a negative person overcome their limiting thoughts and beliefs.
If someone is struggling, you can make use of your positive understanding to express empathy and show the person the way forward. This is the prime reason why, we at Gurukul The School, always motivate our pupils to not just stay positive, but also ensure that they help others around them to eliminate their negativity and make them walk along on the path of positivity.
Concluding Words:
When people are asked what is stopping them from being positive in life, they are quick to list out a string of problems that have unfortunately become their second nature. What they do not understand is that everyone has their own share of struggles.
However, what is important is to rise above these struggles. And for that to happen, it is important to have the belief that the control is in your hands. If you allow struggles and problems to overpower you, you are sure to be enveloped by a cloud of negativity. Contrary to this, if you convince yourself that struggles are temporary, you will not just be able to see the silver lining on the cloud but will also be able to exercise a positive approach in each and every scenario.
At Gurukul The School, one of the best school in Ghaziabad, we firmly believe that positivity is a state of mind that we can either choose or ignore. We make sure that all our students are well familiarised with this ideology so that they keep moving in the direction of positivity always.