Six Rules You Must Abide By to Stay in Pink of Your Health
posted on Nov 10, 2020

Early age is the best time to learn and grow. It is during an early age that the brain is most agile and capable of learning fast and efficiently. Probably, this is why the lessons learned at an early age are often remembered for a lifetime. However, none of these would be possible if your child keeps falling ill from time to time. Going to school, playing outside, and mingling with peers, or any activity that is either too tiring or where they get involved with others can sometimes be a source of infection for the kids. It is hence very important that due care is taken to ensure sound health for kids. On that note, we, at Gurukul The School, regarded as the best school in Ghaziabad, are sharing in this article today the six essential rules, abiding by which can help you stay assured of your child’s good health.
Staying Hydrated is a Must
Water is the most critical element that keeps the body hydrated and fit. Doctors say that drinking adequate water every day can bring down the chances of seasonal infections considerably. Hence make sure that your little one is not missing out on sipping into his/her glass of water amidst the busy days.
Fill the Breakfast Plate with Lots of Nutrition
The most important meal of the day is breakfast. It is the one meal which probably offers the highest volume of nutrition to the body as the metabolism and absorption remain high during the morning. Hence, make sure to include fruits, vegetables, cereals, milk, protein, and other essential nutrient-rich foods to make the breakfast platter a balanced one. Your kid’s breakfast menu must have carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and fibers in equal proportion to strengthen the immunity system.
Teach Them Healthy Habits
Healthy habits are something that must be taught to children in their early age so that the practice becomes a part of their living when they grow up. Brushing teeth twice a day, cleaning mouth after eating, keeping the hair, nails, and body washed and clean, sneezing or coughing with the nose and mouth covered with a handkerchief are some of the elementary healthy habits that a child must learn at an early age. Following these essential habits often keep the diseases at bay. At Gurukul the School, we always make sure that the kids get to learn every necessary health maintenance habit from the very first day so that these become a part of their lifestyle.
Tell Them about Sleeping Hygiene
Sleeping time is the time when your body replenishes the day’s wear and tear to be ready for the next day’s challenges with the same vitality. Thus, sound sleep is the key to good health. As forchildren, sleeping is also the growth time as most of the cell division process takes place during this time. Hence, teach your kids about healthy sleeping manners, and your little one will wake up fresh and energetic every morning.
Make Hand Washing a Regular Task
With hands, kids touch plenty of surfaces and objects that can be carrying germs on them. Hence, make sure to teach your kids to wash their hands immediately after coming from outside and also before eating so that the germs do not get communicated to the body any further. Washing hands properly and regularly can keep your child away from plenty of directional troubles and contagious diseases. At Gurukul The School, we have always strived to keep the children aware of the perils of not following basic hygiene. Hand washing is a compulsion before opening their lunchboxes.
Introduce Yoga to their Daily Routine
Physical activities, exercising, outdoor games and yoga are integral to good health. And children can secure not only a good body but also an agiler brain with these activities. Hence, at Gurukul The School, we have integrated the yoga classes within the curriculum activities to make it a must for every child. After all, keeping the young buds in the pink of health is something that we all wish to ensure. And if following some basic health rules can help to make sure of that, then they should be abided by religiously.