Discipline Policy at Gurukul Towards Creating an Environment of Collaboration
posted on Mar 21, 2019

It is a given fact that the ideals and standards of discipline are ingrained in our minds from a very young age. The basics of how to respect elders, how to conduct ourselves, how to manage time, and the likes are some of the things that we all hear and learn from our parents and elders even before we enter the boundaries of our school life. There is no denying the truth that maintaining discipline in all forms and walks of life is crucial to the success of an individual and the seeds of those ideas need to the instilled in the mind from an early age.
We, at GurukulThe School, believe that discipline is not just about all the rules, regulations, and guidelines that we instruct our children to follow. We feel that an individual cannot be called truly disciplined until and unless the zeal to abide by those rules and regulations comes from within, and thus, we have always been the ones to emphasize on self-discipline over imposed disciplinary methods.
The principles of discipline are not something you can forcibly make a child follow until they understand the true value of it, and thereby, show a natural keenness to abide by those principles. Though the value of discipline in a student’s life is too immense to be put in words, the following are some of the benefits of it that we believe are really important.
Discipline strengthens one’s ability to stay focused
We have seen that children who exercise discipline in all the arenas are the ones who never waver from their goals or activities. Anyone with strong goals knows the values of remaining motivated. In fact, the strength of mind that the children derive from being disciplined is what helps them remain focused and dedicated.
Disciplined individuals garnermore respect from others
One of the underlying principles of learning discipline is that the respect that you offer to others is the one that you get back yourself in the end. When children are able to showcase utmost respect towards their teachers, their academic roles, and their responsibilities, they are sure to be respected in the similar way in every walk of their lives.
Disciplined children grow up to be great team workers
Sound teamwork is all aboutthe discipline maintained and upheld by each member of the team, and a group cannot function properly if its members fail to perform their duties responsibly. We, at GurukulThe School, are proud of the fact that the ideas of discipline that our pupils have imbibed through teamwork activities at school are something that will stay with them all through their lives.
Discipline aids better academic performance
We have noted that being disciplined is one of the most common traits noticed in all the successful students. This is because discipline in the academics leads to better test preparations, timely submission of completed assignments, better performance, and a better learning experience along with enhanced classroom engagement.
Discipline instills self-restraint and self-control
With the temptations offered by the widespread usage of internet and presence of smartphones in the current times, maintenance and practice of discipline among the young ones has truly become the need of the hour. Needless to say, the students need self-discipline for avoiding these allures that could otherwise inhibit their success, take a toll on them mentally, and serve to shift their focus from the studies.
We, at GurukulThe School, ranked among the Top Ten CBSE Schools in Ghaziabad, have always been the ones to believe that discipline is one of the crucial life-skills that if taught effectively at a young age, can continue to pave the path for lifetime success. To that end, we, at Gurukul, have initiated a new class ranking system in place whereby the students compete for the ‘Best Class of the Year’ trophy under the able guidance of their teachers. The parameters for the award have been set strictly in keeping with the aim of ensuring that children garner self-discipline without the need for it to be imposed upon them. It gives us immense pride to know that our students have always turned out to be the disciplined and self-restrained individualsthat we want them to be; thanks to the commitment and support from the mentors and certainly, their own dedication.