Change Readiness – A Must-Have Skill for 21st-Century Kids
posted on Jul 29, 2023

Change is the only Constant” – We all have grown up hearing this quote. However, the fact is that no matter how ironical this may sound, we all seek change and we all have to accustom ourselves to welcoming change.
More so ever, this becomes applicable to today’s children who are experiencing a high degree of change across academics and extra-curricular activities. You must have seen how smart classrooms have replaced the traditional blackboards, hardcore indoor learning has turned more embracing towards outdoor and digital learning, and, of course, human efforts are being highly supplemented by AI and machine learning.
This shows that change is not just inevitable but is rather necessary for the growth and consistent evolution of mankind. Now that we know change is necessary, we at Gurukul The School, regarded as the top most school in Ghaziabad, would like to highlight ways in which children can be readied to face 21st-century change. So, let’s quickly delve in without any further ado.
Change is everywhere. To some extent, it is easy to imbibe change as well. However, the only reason why we, humans, hesitate to act in this direction is because we are ignorant and unaware of many things. So are our children.
This is one of the reasons why we at Gurukul The School have designed our pedagogy in such a manner that change is introduced to children in phases while rightly educating them on the many nuances of change. We have observed that doing so makes it easier for children to embrace change and optimize it to their benefit. Knowing this, we can easily conclude that the first step in readying children for change is spreading education and awareness.
- Support Open communication:
One of the central reasons why children are averse to change is because they are unsure of what the impending change would have in store for them. However, we at Gurukul The School firmly believe that there is an easy way of dealing with this situation, which is open communication.
As parents or adults in the family, you need to take the lead and pass on age-appropriate information to your children. It is common for children to have doubts and wish for their questions to be answered. Here again, you need to promote a healthy dialogue so that children learn to grow inclusive with change. In fact, communication helps in reducing the impact that the consequences of change can cause too.
It has been observed a lot many times that children primarily resist change because they are not away of why change is necessary and relevant. Hence, another smart way of dealing with this situation is underlining the ‘why’ to children.
As a parent, you need to help your kids understand that change is not always bad. In fact, change is necessary to be rolled into play so as to ease our in many ways. Most of the time, the very purpose behind change is to improve efficiency and do away with the wait time. Change also helps with breaking the monotony and trying our hands at something new and fresh.
Once these facts are aptly delivered to children, there are bright chances of children being more embracing to change and not being averse to it.
We all know that children just love following in their parents’ footsteps. Parents can use this to the advantage of their children, especially in times when change is impending or is in progress.
All you need to do here is play a role model to your child. As change walks into your life, show them how gracefully you acknowledge, accept, and embrace it. Simply by observing your response to change, children will realize that change is in their interest. This will help them do away with resistance of all kinds. Hence, what example you as a parent are setting is equally important in raising change-pro children.
Final Words:
All this while, if you have been attempting to keep change unknown and away from your children, we at Gurukul The School, recognized as the best cbse schools in ghaziabad, would advise you to think once again. What makes us say so is the very fact that children cannot be kept ignorant and protected from change all their life. In fact, parents shouldn’t even attempt to do so because doing so is most likely to interfere with the progress of the child, who will then be left shaken by even the slightest of encounters involving change.
Hence, it is in the best interest of children to instill them with the skills for change readiness early on. After all, change readiness is one of the crucial life skills for children, and it helps them to approach life more realistically.
That being said, it is important for you to note that all the work that you are putting in will take time to materialize. It is not going to be like you put forth the definition of change before your children, and they will start jumping with joy. It is going to be a game of patience. You need to give your children time to understand the concept of change inside out and then act accordingly.